life aligned with soul

Monthly New Moon Sister Circle: At Blossom Wellness

Fridays: February 28 & March 28, 6:30-8 pm In Montpelier

Anjali Budreski smiling on yoga mat in a comfortable seated position.
I help courageous women manifest a life that feels in alignment with their soul.let’s journey together to embrace authenticity, develop deep self trust, and create a core of peace and calm from within. welcome to my site!

I help courageous women manifest a life that feels in alignment with their soul.

let’s journey together to embrace authenticity, develop deep self trust, and create a core of peace and calm from within. welcome to my site!

are you ready to live your life from a core of joy, peace, ease and authenticity?

how i can help

yogaNourish yourself from the inside out. Check out upcoming classes and workshops.


Nourish yourself from the inside out. Check out upcoming classes and workshops or enjoy a rental from my video library.

coachingCultivate inner wisdom and self trust through powerful 1:1 sessions. Get started with a free discovery session.


Cultivate inner wisdom and self trust through powerful one on one sessions. Click the link below to get started with me.

eventsJoin a group experience to connect and get inspired. See upcoming retreats, circles and gatherings.

on demand

Enjoy my extensive on demand video library with yoga classes, meditations, soul support, seasonal rituals & inspiration.


rather collaborate in a group setting?

Anjali Budreski seated with coffee mug smiling at computer screen.

retreats & groups

Gather with other kindred spirits along the path to finding inner peace and freedom, while showing up exactly as you are. Check out my upcoming retreats & events here.

Moon snail shell spiral on sandy beach.

you are welcome here, as you are

spiral into the center of your soul to find inner peace, calm & joy

Thank you for visiting my website. I look forward to greeting you in a class or event or to working one + one with you. Please reach out if you have any questions on how I can best support you.