"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
- Mary Oliver
I walked around with underlying social anxiety and was in and out of relationships that always felt ‘wrong’. There was a big problem. I didn’t know how to TRUST myself. And, I didn’t take the time to listen to what I truly needed in any situation. I didn’t know how to access my truth or what my truth even was.
Trust me, I’ve been there.
I hit rock bottom when I was diagnosed with a severe thyroid disease in 2018. I got very, very sick. I had always been a joyful, happy, healthy soul. The Universe was speaking to me loud and clear, which set in motion some big changes because, believe me, things just couldn’t go on as they were.
I went from waking up each day feeling dread for the day ahead to leaping out of bed knowing that I am living a life I love. I went from struggling with uncertainty and anxiety about life to feeling healthier than ever. I transitioned from constantly FEARING my inner voice to tentatively accepting and then…(drumroll) to finally developing a beautiful and trusting connection to it.
This didn’t happen overnight.
But I did find some amazing spiritual coaches and teachers who were my guides on the journey. I know the power of coaching and how it helped me transform some long held patterns that were creating what I didn’t want in my life.
I learned the mindsets and habits that created transformation, ease and peace and exactly what I DID want to call in.
I know with absolute certainty that you, too, can create a life that feels positively amazing to you!
Can you imagine waking up each day feeling serene, on purpose, happy and excited to be living a life you love? I know it is absolutely possible.
professional qualifications
i believe…
in magic and miracles and manifesting your dreams from a grounded place
in lifting up, supporting and encouraging those around me
in holding ourselves and others with gentleness and care
that life is a process and we are ever learning and unfolding as souls
that REST is powerful and essential & if we tune in, we can live a life aligned with the rhythms and cycles of the earth, seasons, moon, and universe